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Fund Raiser wins the Zebra Award

And the Zebra award goes to…..Michelle Skimmons! Michelle heard that the Max Challenge Gym in Fairless Hills PA was holding a Day of Giving. A fundraiser for a charity of owner Amy Petrino Potpinka’s choice. So Michelle put on her best persuasive smile and beat out the other charities to have all the proceeds go to non-profit IAES. The public were invited for free for the day and asked to donate. Gym members were asked to donate $10 each. An astounding $6,800 was raised for our non-profit IAES. in just one day! When I spoke to Michelle she told me that Amy gave her the opportunity to spread awareness of AE to the gym staff and to speak about it to each group as they arrived at the gym. Well done Michelle. When I asked her how it felt to raise over $6,000 for the non-profit IAES. Michelle stated that it was “wonderful to give back to the non-profit IAES. group that helps so many people”. When I questioned Michelle about whether she would attempt another fundraiser and if she had any advice for others thinking about it she said that she would love to do another one but different focusing on raising awareness and that anyone trying to do this should “allow plenty of time especially to explain about AE as it's still so rare”.Michelle invited anyone thinking about a fundraiser to reach out to her. On behalf of IAES I would like to thank the Max Challenge Gym and all who participated and of course Michelle for all her hard work.

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