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A Valentine To Those Who Love Us

To my valentine, husband or wife, partner, parent, child, sibling, other family member, friend, or paid caregiver this is a love letter to you.

Thank you for your care giving and your support. From the shopping trip to help with bathing care we understand that our needs are first in your minds and hearts no matter what you had planned.

We try to keep our needs to a minimum. We struggle to be independent so we don't have to interrupt what you are doing but know our limitations and that many times we have to start a conversation with “I'm sorry dear but could you….”.

This disorder is frustrating to live with but often we forget how frustrating it can be for you. We hear it in you voice when our faulty memories cause us to ask the same question multiple times and yet you answer kindly again. We see it in your eyes when we are in pain and you don't know how to help. We hear your sigh when yet another doctor fails to grasp the situation and we leave the office with all our symptoms and no hope for relief. We know you share our frustration at trying to make sense of research papers, insurance denials, changing diagnosis and yet another doctor.

For being there when we are stressed and that calming hug or hand on a shoulder we love and thank you. And for your tolerance of our mood changes, our moments of unreality and for fighting for us during psychotic episodes.

We love you for all these reasons and so much more. We don't have to ask “do you love me” you are here.

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